Programming Languages

Hello all, in this blog we will take a close look at a few different types of programming languages which can be used to create an e-commerce website. There are currently hundreds of different ways of creating a web page from the software which provides the drag and drop features for those who don’t have any programming experience but still want to create a website on their own to the simple programming languages like HTML & CCS which can be used to create the basic site nevertheless we also have languages like JavaScript or Python which required advance level of understanding the program to create a very advance web site.

HTML is fully called hypertext markup language. Is not considered a programming language but is more like a system to create and display formatted sections of paragraphs and links which are created through elements, tags, and attributes. HTML is mainly used to create designs for displaying on the web browser for example text or media files. It is also supporting organising and formatting the documents furthermore it also supports navigation between pages as HTML is used to embed the hyperlinks.
Hypertext Markup Language has been designed by British scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee during the 1980s (Hemmendinger, 2022)(Sarosa, 2022).

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets is a language used for styling the pages created in HTML. The main purpose of CSS is to deal with the look and feel of the web page by making web pages presentable through the style. Through the CSS can be controlee and manipulate the color, font, and size of the text, space between paragraphs, the background of the size of the image and match more. The first version of CSS has been realised to the public in 1996 (MDN, 2022)(TutorialSpoint, 2022).

JavaScript is a programming language that allows the implementation of complex future displayed on the web page for example animation, 3D graphics, or scrolling videos. JavaScript is running on both client and server-side and gives the web page an interactive experience that engages the user. It is mainly used for creating interactive experiences on the web page, creating web and mobile applications, developing games, and much more (MDN, 2022)(Reactor, 2021).

Python is an advanced programming language that is interpreted and object-oriented. It is a general-purpose language due to its wild range of capabilities for example high-level data structure, unlimited library support, and portability. Python was designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 but the project on it started in 1980. The main object was to provide the simplicity of the code and guarantee advanced productivity (Python, 2022)(GeeksforGeeks, 2022).

Ruby is an open-source advanced object-oriented programming language that provides clean and easy code and increases developer productivity. Ruby is mainly used for creating desktop applications, data processing services, or static websites. It was created by Yukihiro Matsumoto and introduced to the public in 1995 (ACG, 2022)(Codecademy, 2022).

Hemmendinger, D., 2022. HTML | Definition & Facts. [online] Encyclopedia Britannica. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 July 2022].

Sarosa, A., 2022. What Is HTML? Hypertext Markup Language Basics Explained. [online] Hostinger Tutorials. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 July 2022].

MDN, 2022. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 July 2022].

TutorialSpoint, 2022. What is CSS?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 July 2022].

MDN, 2022. What is JavaScript? - Learn web development | MDN. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 July 2022].

Reactor, H., 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 July 2022].

Python, 2022. What is Python? Executive Summary. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 July 2022].

GeeksforGeeks, 2022. History of Python - GeeksforGeeks. [online] GeeksforGeeks. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 July 2022].

ACG, 2022. What is the Ruby programming language?. [online] A Cloud Guru. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 July 2022].

Codecademy, 2022. What is Ruby used for?. [online] Codecademy News. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 July 2022].
