Advantage and Disadvantages of meta tags

The advantage and disadvantages of using meta tags will be the subject of the blog today.
In the privies post, I review the meaning and usage of the meta tags in HTML, based on that we can easily describe those meta tags as a piece of information provided to the search engine which is stored in the <head> section of HTML code of web page source code. The main purpose of meta tags is to provide key information to the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) which recognises two main tags:

  • meta description tag<meta name=” statement” content=” Page information.”>
  • meta keywords tag<meta name=” keywords” content=” keyword1, keyword2, keyword3″>
  • Meta tags play important role in search engines and were used by SEO to determine the search results
  • Improve the traffic on the website
  • Can improve the SEO ranking

  • The incorrect website can be an approach if a search engine will incorrectly interpret the search result.
  • Challenging with the limited searches
Before 1997 meta tags descriptions and keywords were necessary to determine the search engine results and ranking but due to abuse and misuse of that data majority of the search engines stop using the tags and move to the web page content. The good practice is to still use the meta tags as some of the smaller engines for example Yahoo still based the search on the meta tags which can increase the website traffic on these search engines (Webhostingtalk, 2022).

Webhostingtalk, 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 27 July 2022].
